Personal Injury

Why Matthew A. Zenko?

Attorney Matthew A. Zenko fights for your rights when you are injured and uses his auditing skills that he developed as a CPA and auditor while employed with Ernst & Young LLP to scrutinize the “details” of your case to ensure that you receive top dollar compensation from the responsible party who injured you.

Allow Matt to deliver his exceptional personalized service to you on a one-on-one basis so you can avoid the stress and hassle of dealing with the responsible party who injured you and/or their insurance company.

Personal injuries arise from a variety of circumstances ranging from auto, motorcycle, and bicycle accidents, slip and fall cases, dog bites, assault and battery, product defects, and medical malpractice.

If you have been injured, call Matt now at 614.638.6654 for a FREE and straight-forward consultation.

I’m Injured, Now What?

Generally speaking, you should do the following:

  • Do NOT admit liability
  • Seek medical treatment
  • Gather all insurance policy information (yours and the responsible party)
  • Document the details of the accident
  • Document your injuries
  • Document your lost wages and expenses
  • Make notes of your conversations; be specific – names, dates, times, etc.
  • Preserve evidence; take photographs
  • Obtain witness information – names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.
  • Call Matt now at 614.638.6654

How Much Money Will I Receive?

The facts and circumstances of your case will determine the amount of damages that you will receive. The following components will factor into the damage calculation (if applicable):

  • Medical bills – past and future
  • Permanent injury and/or scarring
  • Lost wages – past and future
  • Pain and suffering

Other factors that will reduce your damages include the degree of fault attributed to each party and pre-existing medical conditions.

How Will My Personal Injury Case Be Resolved?

The facts and circumstances of your personal injury case will determine the necessary course of action to resolve your case. While the vast majority of cases are settled outside of the courtroom, there is always a chance that your case will be fully litigated. Generally speaking, your case will involve the following steps:

  • Call Matt now at 614.638.6654 for a FREE and straight-forward consultation
  • Execute written fee agreement
  • Execute medical record authorization forms
  • Matt notifies insurance company (or responsible party)
  • Matt obtains all relevant information (medical records, financial records, pictures, etc.)
  • Matt scrutinizes your medical records, researches jury verdicts, and prepares a demand package and submits your damages request to the responsible party
  • Matt will engage in settlement discussions and/or file a lawsuit (if necessary)

If filing a lawsuit becomes necessary, your case will involve additional steps. These steps may include responding to questions in the form of interrogatories, attending depositions, hiring medical experts and/or other experts, attending pre-trial meetings, attending motion hearings and, if necessary, eventually the trial itself.

How Long Until My Case Is Resolved?

The facts and circumstances of your personal injury case will determine the amount of time that it will take to resolve your case. Cases can be resolved in a few months, but may take as long as two or more years before completion. However, because your case is settled “forever” upon executing a full settlement and release, it is important that all of your injuries and expenses are known before agreeing to settle your personal injury case. Therefore, it is imperative that you do not allow time to dictate your decision to settle your personal injury case, and that you consider all possible damages before settling your case.

What If the Insurance Company Calls Me?

Do NOT discuss the details of your claim with your insurance company.  Do be polite and simply inform your insurance representative that you have hired Matt to represent you and that he is available at 614.638.6654 to discuss your claim.

Am I Required to Re-imburse My Medical Insurance Company?

This concept is known as the right of subrogation. Generally, your  insurance plan or policy has a subrogation provision (and your medical providers may require that you agree to reimburse them for the cost of their services should you recover money through a settlement agreement).

A subrogation provision gives your insurance company the right to file suit against the responsible party’s insurance company to recover amounts paid by your insurer on your behalf prior to the case being resolved.  In order settle the case, the responsible party’s insurance company will typically want your insurance company to waive its right to subrogation.  To obtain this waiver, your insurance company will typically require you to agree to reimburse it for the amount already paid on your behalf.  This reimbursement payment will normally be paid out of your settlement money.  Call Matt now at 614.638.6654 to discuss this issue in detail.